Friday, July 16, 2010

It's getting closer...

Wednesday was my fiance's birthday and we celebrated by doing wedding stuff!  We had a meeting at Silver Swan where we met with their new chef and tried some delicious food.  He served us coconut shrimp, smoked trout, olive/tomato tepanade, gazpacho for hors d'oeuvres.  Then we had a petit filet mignon and chicken for the main course, served with grilled asparagus, carrots and potatoes.  All of it was so delicious!!  We also talked with Taylor about other little details like seating, dishes, and the order of events.  The wedding is getting very close and exciting!

Also on Wednesday we got our marriage license from Anne Arundel county.  The fiancé and I both laughed because everyone keeps asking us if we are related in any way... I guess they have to make sure.  After that we stopped by the French Confection to drop off some design ideas for our cake.  We're thinking about some sort of branch design, sort of like the one below, but with orange flowers...And maybe a little more spread out branches.
While we were there we picked up a birthday cake for him-- yellow sponge cake with raspberry filling and vanilla buttercream.  These are some of the flavors that will be in our wedding cake and we were reminded how delicious they were!

We have been talking with the concierge at our resort in Aruba.  So far we have arranged for a morning sail with snorkeling at 3 stops, including the Antilla Shipwreck from WWII and two shallow reefs.  We have also talked with them about possible deep sea fishing and scuba diving.  I can't wait!!

In other good news-- we have an apartment!  My fiancé called the apartment complex in Charleston this week and they said they have a Rosemont (the 2 bedroom unit we wanted) becoming available October first.  Perfect timing!!

Now we're working on getting together all the little details-- menus, programs, favors and more.  I have my first dress fitting next week!

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